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A Little Spring Cleaning: CDH website revisions

April 20th, 2012

Steve Anderson

I went through the CDH website here, and I made quite a few revisions. The website was getting a little cluttered, which is a good thing since it’s being used a lot, but it did need some spring-cleaning.

Here’s a quick overview of changes:

→ the main navigation was cleaned up
– the About page is now incorporated into the Members page

→ the News navigation dropdown has been revised
– now the only dropdowns are “events” and “resources”
– all the other categories are still available as a dropdown in the sidebar

→ the Twitter sidebar widgets have been removed
– the CDH Twitter feed was mostly just posts from CDH itself (@UCRCDH)
– and #digitalhumanites can be reached in other ways

→ Links (mostly UCR related) have been moved from the sidebar to the footer

→ a new Calendar page has been added to the site (this is for CDH events)

→ the ability to post from iPhone and iPad WordPress apps has been turned on

Also, I added a new category called “techie stuff” where I’ll post info about updates to this site, as well as other things of interest regarding hardware, software, coding, and the digital engineering culture.

If anything looks weird, or if you can’t find something, or something isn’t working right, please send me an email.