The CDH has a new logo! However, it won’t last for long.
One of the most difficult tasks regarding web creation is encapsulating the look and feel of an entire website with a tiny square logo.
Some of these logos are as small as 16 X 16 pixels. Known as “favicons,” these 16X16 squares are the ones residing in the address bar of the web browser. In contrast, the icons for Apple’s touch interface on the iPhone and iPad are only slightly larger at 60 X 60 pixels.
A website’s header is also an important place for fostering a digital identity. While there is relatively more space within the top section of a website (perhaps as much as 250 X 900 pixels), there are always design limitations. Creating an image that is striking, but not obtrusive is difficult. A bright, eye-catching header can also take away from the impact of other content on the webpage.
With this in mind, the CDH’s new logo has been created as a starting point for further analysis–and further design. One of the workshops planned for this year is for each member of the CDH to create a new logo and header for the website. At the heart of this workshop will be the search for digital art. This is not necessarily art created through purely digital means, it’s more so art about the digital.
Workshop designs will not need to start in Adobe Photoshop, they can begin in whatever medium you wish. Feel free to paint, sketch, sculpt, or use whatever medium you feel best allows you to get at the art of the digital. At the workshop we can digitize these creations with cameras or scanners.
While most of the workshop creations can be fit into the confines of static pixels, those that cannot such as video or very large images, will still have a place on the website in the digital artwork portfolio.