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Digital Nuts and Bolts Workshops

September 5th, 2011

Steve Anderson

Starting this fall, we’ve planned some workshops to help get at the “nuts and bolts” underpinning digital technology.

CDH members represent a wide variety of talent in digital technologies. While some CDH members might be digital novices, others are much more familiar with the components of social networking, blogs, websites, and so on.

Our goal with these workshops is to leverage the talent of existing members, and at the same time help others learn new skills. Each workshop will tackle a digital subject, but the workshops themselves will created by the group.

Some possible examples of workshops are:

  • The Digital You: Your identity on the Web
  • Let’s Get Digital: Making a blog, website, or digital space
  • Tools of the Digital Trade: Zotero, Evernote, and Dropbox
  • What’s in a [domain] name?: TLD’s and URL’s

If, for example, no one in the group felt they would benefit from “The Digital You,” we could skip that one and move on to another subject. If someone has a topic they would like to add, that’s wonderful! These workshops are meant to explore, and to help bring down technical boundaries that might prevent members from reaching their full potential.

Instead of listening to someone lecture about these subjects, these workshops will be hands-on, so be sure to bring your laptops or other devices (and power cords!). The workshop schedule will be decided by the participants, and the length of the workshops should be between 30 to 60 minutes.

When we discuss these workshops at the next CDH meeting, please consider signing up from both perspectives–you can request a subject you would like to learn and you can sign up for a topic to help lead the group.

If there’s a topic you would like to address, please add it in the comments section below.